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Silence Dimension

The photographs were inspired by the divine beauty of Mevlana Jalaluddin Rumi’s  poetry.
My primary intention was to illustrate the poems, or use the pictures as a background, a natural environment of silence for supporting their spiritual beauty. During the process of working the works elaborated their own meaning and poetical expression but yet entirely irradiated and devoted to Rumi’s love to the Beloved.

The“Ocean” Rumi is an endless, timeless source of Wisdom, Beauty and Love, where one can find all questions and answers about the meaning of the human life.

​​The photographs were taken at Coney Island on a particular spot during a lasting period of time and all seasons, since 2010 to persent. The project is in progress and is in kind my humble tribute to the Mother Nature.

​Camera Canon Power Shot A3300, 16px digital files

Using minimal PhotoShop manipulation of image size, opacity, background color

Image size:

100 X 200 cm horizontal images

150 X 200 cm vertical images

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